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杜正恭教授 Jenq-Gong Duh








電話與傳真: 886-3-5712686





  1. 美國普度大學材料工程博士 (1979.5-1983.3)

  2. 美國普度大學核工研究所 (1977.8-1979.5)

  3. 國立清華大學核工研究所 (1976.9-1977.6)

  4. 國立清華大學核子工程系學士 (1970.9-1974.6)



  1. 國立中興大學材料分析講座教授 (2022.8-2025.7)

  2. Co-Editors-in-Chief, Materials Chemistry and Physics(Elsevier)(2018.9-迄今)

  3. 國立清華大學材料科學工程學系-榮譽退休教授(2022.2-迄今)

  4. 國立清華大學材料科學工程學系-講座教授 (2012.4-2022.1)



  1. 2022.8-2025.7: 國立中興大學材料分析講座教授

  2. 2022.2-迄今: 國立清華大學材料科學工程學系-榮譽退休教授

  3. 2012.4-2022.1: 國立清華大學材料科學工程學系-講座教授

  4. 2018.9-Present: Co-Editors-in-Chief, Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier)

  5. 2014.1-2015.12: 台灣鍍膜科技協會理事長

  6. 2011.1-2013.12: 國家科學委員會工程處材料學門召集人

  7. 2006.7-2012.3: 國立清華大學材料科學工程學系-特聘教授

  8. 1994.9-1998.2: 國立清華大學訓導長、學務長

  9. 1989.8-2006.6: 國立清華大學材料科學工程學系教授

  10. 1987.9-1988.6: 美國康乃爾大學訪問科學家

  11. 1983.3-1989.7: 國立清華大學材料科學工程系副教授



  1. 表面改質及多功能性鍍膜

  2. 微電子構裝之金屬化與焊點可靠度

  3. 鋰電池正負極材料

  4. 奈米粉末製造技術

  5. 奈米材料機械性質評估

  6. 新穎性薄膜沉積技術

  7. 高頻通訊材料之研製

  8. 材料之電子顯微鏡分析與鑑定

  9. 生醫材料及仿生材料



  1. TACT 2023 International Thin Films Conference – Lifetime Achievement Award (2023)

  2. Poster Awards of MRS-T2022(Diversifying Grain Orientation and Refining Grain Size of 5μm Cu/Sn/Cu TLP Bonding via Ni/SAC305/Cu System)- Excellence Award (2022)

  3. Poster Awards of TACT2022(Mechanical and High Temperature Tribological Properties of (AlCrNbTiB)N High Entropy Alloy Nitride Coatings)- Honorable Mention Award (2022)

  4. TPCA 2022 PCB優秀論文獎(Enhancing Cu/Sn-3.5Ag/Cu transient liquid phase soldering mechanical properties with element addition)-銀獎(2022)

  5. World’s Top 2% Scientists, 全球前2%頂尖科學家,Elsevier, 2022

  6. World’s Top 2% Scientists, 全球前2%頂尖科學家,Elsevier, 2021

  7. 2021儲能科技創意海報競賽 (Constructing Cellulose Nanofiber / Recycled Silicon Composite 3D-Net Structure from Waste Rice Straw via Freeze Drying Process for Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials)- 冠軍 (2021)

  1. Poster Awards of MRS-T2021(Enhancing mechanical strength of Sn-Ag-Cu Microbump in 3D package via sputtering Nickel on Copper  Substrate)- Second prize (2021)

  2. Poster Awards of The 2020 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies (2020 ICGET-Tw) – Golden Award (2020)

  3. Poster Awards of The 2020 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies (2020 ICGET-Tw) – Silver Award (2020)

  4. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2020(Diversifying Grain Orientation and Expediting 10μm Cu/Sn/Cu TLP Bonding Process with Ni Doping)- Excellence (2020)

  5. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2020(Tuning (003) Interplanar Space by Boric acid Co-sintering to Enhance Li+ Storage and Transfer in Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2 Cathode)- Merit (2020)

  6. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2020(Synthesis of Ni-Rich NMC Cathode Material by Redox-assisted Deposition Method for Lithium ion Batteries)- Merit (2020)

  7. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2018(Structure Modification of SnS with N-doped Carbon by Polymer Additive Applied in Lithum-ion Battery - Excellence (2018)

  8. 科技部106年度傑出特約研究員(2017)

  9. 侯金堆傑出榮譽獎(2015)

  10. 中國材料科學學會陸志鴻先生紀念獎章(2015)

  11. Poster Awards of TACT 2015 - Excellence (2015)

  12. Poster Awards of TACT 2015 - Merit (2015)

  13. The Best Presentation Award in Symposium N (Crystallography in materials science: Novel methods for novel materials)" in E-MRS 2014 Fall Meeting, September, 2014, Warsaw, Poland

  14. 國家科學委員會傑出研究獎2011-2013

  15. 國家科學委員會工程處材料學門召集人 (2011.1-2013.12 )

  16. 國家科學委員會100年度指導大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎 (2012)

  17. Outstanding Paper Award in Materials, Chinese Engineer Society  (2012)

  18. 國立清華大學百年產學合作績優獎 (2011)

  19. 中國材料科學學會第二屆會士 (2010)

  20. TMS 2010, 139th Annual Meeting and Exhibition U.S.A, First Prize in Poster Award

  21. TACT 2009 國際薄膜會議暨台灣鍍膜科技協會年會最佳海報獎

  22. Highly Commended Award, 2007 Excellence, Emerald Literati Network

  23. Philip Best Paper Award, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology 2006, Shanghai, China

  24. 國科會傑出研究獎2004-2006

  25. 國際扶輪3500地區總監特別獎2004

  26. 國際扶輪基金地區服務獎2004

  27. 教育部優秀學生事務(訓導)人員2003

  28. 國際能源與環境材料會議(ICEEM)最佳Poster首獎2002

  29. 國際扶輪基金地區服務獎 2000

  30. 國際扶輪3500地區總監特別獎 2000

  31. 國立清華大學傑出教學獎1999

  32. 教育部網路教材競賽優等獎 1999

  33. 國際扶輪社地區服務傑出獎 1998

  34. 教育部輔導工作特殊貢獻獎 1998

  35. 中國材料科學學會「材料列車網頁」競賽第二名 1998

  36. 國際扶輪社年度服務傑出貢獻獎 1992

  37. 台灣區扶輪社年度職業服務獎 1992

  38. 行政院國科會優等研究獎1990,1994

  39. 行政院國科會傑出研究獎1991,1992

  40. 國立清華大學傑出教學獎1987

  41. 陸軍忠誠獎章 1976.5



  1. 國立清華大學傑出教學獎1999

  2. 國立清華大學傑出教學獎1987



  1. Poster Awards of MRS-T2022(Diversifying Grain Orientation and Refining Grain Size of 5μm Cu/Sn/Cu TLP Bonding via Ni/SAC305/Cu System)- Excellence Award (2022)

  2. Poster Awards of TACT2022(Mechanical and High Temperature Tribological Properties of (AlCrNbTiB)N High Entropy Alloy Nitride Coatings)- Honorable Mention Award (2022)

  3. TPCA 2022 PCB優秀論文獎(Enhancing Cu/Sn-3.5Ag/Cu transient liquid phase soldering mechanical properties with element addition)-銀獎(2022)

  4. World’s Top 2% Scientists, 全球前2%頂尖科學家,Elsevier, 2022

  5. World’s Top 2% Scientists, 全球前2%頂尖科學家,Elsevier, 2021

  6. 2021儲能科技創意海報競賽 (Constructing Cellulose Nanofiber / Recycled Silicon Composite 3D-Net Structure from Waste Rice Straw via Freeze Drying Process for Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials)-冠軍 (2021)

  7. Poster Awards of MRS-T2021(Enhancing mechanical strength of  Sn-Ag-Cu Microbump in 3D package via sputtering Nickel on Copper Substrate)- Second prize (2021)

  8. Poster Awards of The 2020 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies (2020 ICGET-Tw) – Golden Award (2020)

  9. Poster Awards of The 2020 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies (2020 ICGET-Tw) – Silver Award (2020)

  10. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2020(Diversifying Grain Orientation and Expediting 10μm Cu/Sn/Cu TLP Bonding Process with Ni Doping)- Excellence (2020)

  11. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2020(Tuning (003) Interplanar Space by Boric acid Co-sintering to Enhance Li+ Storage and Transfer in Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2 Cathode)- Merit (2020)

  12. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2020(Synthesis of Ni-Rich NMC Cathode Material by Redox-assisted Deposition Method for Lithium ion Batteries)- Merit (2020)

  13. Poster Awards of MRS-T 2018(Structure Modification of SnS with N-doped Carbon by Polymer Additive Applied in Lithum-ion Battery) - Excellence (2018)

  14. 科技部106年度傑出特約研究員(2017)

  15. Poster Awards of TACT 2015 - Excellence (2015)

  16. Poster Awards of TACT 2015 - Merit (2015)

  17. The Best Presentation Award in Symposium N (Crystallography in materials science: Novel methods for novel materials)" in E-MRS 2014 Fall Meeting, September, 2014, Warsaw, Poland

  18. 國家科學委員會傑出研究獎2011-2013

  19. Outstanding Paper Award in Materials, Chinese Engineer Society, 2012

  20. 國立清華大學百年產學合作績優獎 (2011)

  21. TMS 2010, 139th Annual Meeting and Exhibition U.S.A, First Prize in Poster Award

  22. TACT 2009 國際薄膜會議暨台灣鍍膜科技協會年會最佳海報獎

  23. Highly Commended Award, 2007 Excellence, Emerald Literati Network

  24. Philip Best Paper Award, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology 2006, Shanghai, China

  25. 國科會傑出研究獎2004-2006

  26. 國際能源與環境材料會議(ICEEM)最佳Poster首獎2002

  27. 行政院國科會優等研究獎, 1990, 1994

  28. 行政院國科會傑出研究獎1991, 1992



  1. 國際扶輪3500地區總監特別獎2004

  2. 國際扶輪基金地區服務獎2004

  3. 教育部優秀學生事務(訓導)人員2003

  4. 際扶輪基金地區服務獎 2000

  5. 國際扶輪3500地區總監特別獎2000

  6. 國際扶輪社地區服務傑出獎1998

  7. 教育部輔導工作特殊貢獻獎1998

  8. 國際扶輪社年度服務傑出貢獻獎1992



  1. 國立清華大學教職員康樂委員會召集人 2000

  2. 國立清華大學學務長 1994.9-1998.1

  3. 國立清華大學校長特別助理1994

  4. 國立清華大學教職員康樂委員會召集人 1991-1994

  5. 國立清華大學校友通訊主編1991,1992

  6. 國立清華大學畢業生聯絡服務室主任 1985-1987



  1. 擔任國際重要學會理監事、國際知名學術期刊編輯、國際會議重要委會及主席、著名國際會議邀請報告

  2. Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Materials (EPIM) committee members, TMS U.S.A(2004-2019)

  3. Co-organizers in Symposium of Lead-Free Solders: Emerging Issues in Manufacturing Performance and Reliability. MS&T 07, Materials Science and Technology 2007 Sept, 16-20, 2007, Detroit, Michigan, USA

  4. Co-organizers in Symposium of Emergent Technology in Lead-Free Solder, 2009 TMS, Feb. San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

  5. Advisory Committee, ISSP, International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Process(2015-迄今)

  6. Vise Conference Chair, AEPSE 2015, Asian-European International Conference on Science Engineering, JeJu, Korea, Sept.20-24, 2015

  7. Organizing Committee, ICRP-9/GEC-68/SPP-33, Oct. 12-16, 2015. Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu.

  8. Conference Chair, AEPSE 2017, 11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Lott Hotel Jeju, Jeju International Conventional, Jungmum, Jeju Island, JeJu, Korea, Sept.11-15, 2017

  9. Vise Conference Chair, PSE, Garmisch-Partankirchin, Germany Sept.16-20, 2018

  10. Co-Conference Chairman, AEPSE 2019, 12th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Maison Glad Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, Sept.1-5, 2019

  11. Session Chair for plenary talk, AEPSE 2019, 12th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Maison Glad Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, Sept.1-5, 2019

  12. Steering committee member, AJC-APSE (Asian Joint Committee, Asian Plasma Science and Engineering)(2012-迄今)

  13. Vice Chair, AJC-APSE (2015.1~2020.12)

  14. 中國材料科學會期刊主編(2004~期刊停辦)

  15. Co-Editor-in-chief, Material Chemistry and Physics, Elsevier (2018.9~迄今)

  16. Plenary talk,“The Rescue of Waste:Atmospheric Pressure Nitrogen Plasma Enhanced Jumbo Silicon-based Lithium lon Battery”, APSPT-9/SpSM-28, The Joint Symposium of the 9th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology(APSPT-9)and the 28th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials(SPSM-28), Dec.12-15, 2015, Nagasaki Univ, Japan

  17. Session Chair for Keynote Speeches, 2018, 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, ICMSNT 2018, Chengdu, China, March 29-April 1, 2018

  18. Keynote Speaker,“Exploration of Zr-Cu Based Thin Film Metallic Glass for Mechanical Strength, Thermal Stability, Bio-antimicrobial Ability and Diffusion Barrier”, ICMSNT 2018, Chengdu, China, March 29-April 1, 2018

  19. Plenary talk,“Atmosphere pressure plasma treatment of anode materials for advanced lithium-ion batteries”, 5th Asian Workshop on Applied Plasma and Engineering APSE 2019, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jan 28-29,2019

  20. Invited talk,“Mechanical ball shear, electromigration, and thermal cycling reliability testing on novel solder interconnects of highly integrated chips for advanced applications”, ULSIC vs TFT : 7th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors, Palace Side Hotel, Kyoto, Japan, May 19-23, 2019

  21. Invited talk,“Multi-functionality of multi-component Zr-Cu-Ni-Al-N thin films for diffusion barrier and bio-compatibility”, ISSP2019: The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Kanazawa, Japan, June 11-14, 2019

  22. Plenary talk, “Modification and Construction of Cathode Materials for Advanced Li-ion Batteries”, ACA VIII, International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Application, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Knez Mihallova 35, Belgrade, Serbia, Sept. 23-25, 2019

  23. Session Chair, APSE The 1st International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science and Engineering for Agro and Bio Industry, Northern Science Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jan.30-Feb.3, 2020

  24. Invited talk,“Enhancing the Biocompatibility Of Cardiovascular Materials and Producing the Nitogen Fetilizers via Atmospheric Pressure Plasma”, APSE The 1st International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science and Engineering for Agro and Bio Industry, Northern Science Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jan.30-Feb.3, 2020

  25. Keynote talk, TACT, “Navigating the pathway to Exploration of Multifunctional and Multicomponent Nitride Coating in Duh’s Lab During 1987-2022”, Nantou, Taiwan, Nov, 4-5, 2022

  26. Keynote talk, 14th Surface Engineering Conference, “Diversifying Surface Modification Technique from Multi-functional coating toward 3D-IC Microelectronic Package”, Wu-han, China, April, 22-23,2023






      481篇SCI 國際期刊論文




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